Favorite Game

This game is vini marina favorite, she always play the game with her friend riana at rental ps.

My New Hope

I've been desperate recently because my business not running well and I still have a credit that should been paid before due. I don't have a car anymore, even my bike now gone. It because now I am jobless and just waking up from hopeless.

I think I am still lucky to get push from unseen things, that make me have some passion. It is not burned yet, but small fire is better rather than cold heart.

I started new business here, few days ago. And I investing all of my own on this. A wedding invites business. A new here, because there is just few vendor who can do letterpress. Then I grab a domain and set it up. If you have a time, you can take a visit at http://www.undanganletterpress.com/

In Indonesia, with large people I hope this business can running well. I found a supplier for cotton paper that extremely cheap, but still need some work to cut the broken side, but they are have unlimited supply of it and I think this will be good because I can tackle the price to lowest possible and I hope my potential customers love it.

Hm, that's it. Wish me luck and you too!